Vol. 16 No. 1 (2023): REGISTER JOURNAL

Author geographical coverage: China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia & Indonesia (4 Countries).
Proposing A Web-Based Interactive Module for Education for Sustainable Development in English for Computer Science
Abstract View: 1092,
PDF Download: 595
Marriage, Conflict, and Communication: Pragmatic Inquiry into Impoliteness in the Marital Relationship
Abstract View: 770,
PDF Download: 730
Thematic Structure in Students’ Writings: Implications on their Ideas Organization and Development
Abstract View: 1420,
PDF Download: 911
Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity: An Investigation of Emergency Online Classes in Higher Education
Abstract View: 698,
PDF Download: 501
Intercultural Communicative Competence Model Using English Literature: A Case Study at Some Islamic Universities in Indonesia
Abstract View: 680,
PDF Download: 551
Ten Years after Sutton (2012): Quo Vadis Feedback Literacy? (A Bibliometric Study)
Abstract View: 1622,
PDF Download: 932
Mobile-assisted English language learning for young learners during COVID-19 distance learning: Teachers’ experiences and voices
Abstract View: 544,
PDF Download: 446