Author Fees

 Since August 2022, this journal has charged the following author fees.

ARTICLE SUBMISSION:00.00 (IDR) Authors ARE NOT REQUIRED to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process. This part of the APC or Article Processing Charge is Free.

ARTICLE PUBLICATION: (IDR) (for Indonesian author) &$ 150 (for foreign author) If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to fill out a Declaration Form with your signature, in addition to paying for a Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

 If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to fill out and send Originality & Ethical Statement with your digital signature. You will be asked to pay the fee. This fee includes the proofreading cost/fee of the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED until payment has been received. 

There are two modes of payment:
(1).  The author may send through Direct Deposit from any bank to our bank account with the following details:    This is the name and bank account to transfer the fee:

Bank Account Number1030-007-794-551, Bank Name: BANK MANDIRI, SWIFT CODE (8 characters): BMRIIDJA ( Only for Foreign payment transfer). Account Name : Faizal Risdianto

 *Please email your copy of the publication fee deposit slip to:, cc:
 (2) Credit Card and PayPal
If you have a credit card or PayPal account, we strongly encourage you to pay the fee through PayPal. PayPal enables users, whether or not they are PayPal members, to use all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. PayPal is fast, secure, and free. This is the direct link to use PayPal:

The waiver policy is not applicable. We regret that the publication fees cannot be waived or reduced.