Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024): REGISTER JOURNAL
Neoliberal Branding and the Commodification of Language: English as the Language of Success in Advertisements for Language Centre in Pakistan
Abstract View: 463,
PDF Download: 169
Folklore Storytelling: A Study into the Effectiveness of Traditional Short Story for Enhancing Vocabulary Development in EFL Learners
Abstract View: 471,
PDF Download: 259
The Implementation of Autonomous Learning through Multimedia Oral Presentation to Develop Students’ Language Skills
Abstract View: 271,
PDF Download: 79
Examining Mobile-assisted Language Learning as an Autonomous Writing Tool for Indonesian Secondary EFL Students
Abstract View: 239,
PDF Download: 53
Students' Perceptions about the Impact of AI Chatbots on their Vocabulary and Grammar in EFL Writing
Abstract View: 1414,
PDF Download: 794
The Impact of Gender-Specific Cultural Knowledge and English Proficiency on the Reading Comprehension of Saudi EFL Undergraduates
Abstract View: 182,
PDF Download: 47
Language Choice in Multilingual Speech Communities: A Sociolinguistic Study in the Wetland Area, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan
Abstract View: 278,
PDF Download: 104
Critical Thinking Values in Religious Narratives: CDA of ELT Learning Materials for Young Learners
Abstract View: 125,
PDF Download: 34