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Guidelines for authors
1. The scope of the topic is around Islamic Studies and Humanities.
2. Articles can be in the form of research findings in accordance with the scope of research or in-depth study that provides solutions to problems that occur in society.
3. The length of articles is between 6000 to 7000 words typed using Garamond font with 12 font size and 1.5 space.
4. Articles are written as narrative descriptions with NO numbering system.
5. Articles will be structured as follows:
a) Title; This is your opportunity to grab the reader's attention. Remember that the readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main point of the article. Start with the topic of the paper. The title should be accurate, clear, specific and complete. Do not use unusual abbreviations.
b) Name(s) of the author(s); Write the name(s) of the author(s) without titles and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, Production Manager, etc. Do not abbreviate your surname/family name. Always include your first and last name.
c) Affiliations; clearly state the affiliation of all authors. Affiliation includes name of department/unit, (faculty), name of university, address, country.
d) E-mail address; Write the e-mail address in lower case. For articles with more than one author, write only the first author's email.
e) Abstract; written in both English with Keywords and Indonesian with Kata Kunci consisting of three to five words, should be one paragraph between 150 and 200 words with one-space formatting. Abstract: No citations are permitted in the abstract. It should stand alone and function as an advertisement for the article. The abstract ought to convey the research objectives and emphasise the main discoveries without relying on technical jargon or unusual abbreviations. The abstract must provide a brief but complete overview of your paper. It should include the research objectives, methodology and findings. Use semicolons (;) instead of commas (,) to separate each word or phrase in the keywords section. Keywords are essential for correct indexing and searching of your manuscript, therefore they should accurately reflect the content and main points of your article. Use only well-established abbreviations within the field.
f) Introduction; The authors should state the objectives of the paper at the end of the introductory section. Before presenting the objectives, the authors should provide adequate background and a brief literature review to identify the existing solutions/methods, which are the best of the previous research, the main limitations of the previous research and what they hope to achieve (to overcome the limitation), as well as the scientific merits or novelties of the paper. It is important to avoid a detailed literature review or summary of results. The literature review should be structured by either method or topic of the literature being reviewed. The section should outline the study's objectives or research problems, contribution to knowledge, and identify any gaps in research. These should be transparently outlined in the opening paragraph with supporting theories presented in the subsequent paragraphs.
g) Methodology; This section outlines the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select and analyse information to understand the research problem/project, enabling readers to critically evaluate the overall validity and reliability of your project/study.
h) Results and Discussion; Results must be succinct and clear, summarising scientific findings rather than providing detailed data. Differences between your findings and those of prior research should be emphasised. Discussion should focus on the significance of your work's results, rather than simply restating them. A combined section for Results and Discussion is often appropriate. Avoid lengthy citations and discussions of published literature.
The discussion aims to describe the relevance of the findings in the context of the investigated issues. It should also portray any new insights or understandings gained from the findings. Any subjective evaluations must be explicitly marked as such. Technical term abbreviations should be explained when first referred to. The text should follow a logical structure with causal connections between statements. Common academic sections should be included with regular author and institution formatting. Use objective and value-neutral language, avoiding biased or emotional language, ornamental language, and first-person perspectives unless necessary. Formal register should be employed, and positions on subjects should be clear through hedging. Balanced language and precise word choice are necessary. Grammatical correctness is essential. Adhere to style guides, citation consistency and formatting. Quotes should be explicitly marked, and filler words avoided. It should link to the introduction through the research questions or hypotheses presented and the literature reviewed. However, it should not merely restate or reorganise the introduction; instead, this section should demonstrate how your study has advanced the reader's comprehension of the research issue from where it was left at the end of the introduction.
The research data is analyzed with a relevant theoretical approach. Tables, images, and other supporting materials are also presented. Captions are placed above tables and numbered for easy referencing, but not included in the sentence/paragraph itself. Line borders in tables are simplified by removing vertical lines and retaining necessary horizontal lines. Sequential numbering and captions are placed beneath the relevant image. Only one table or image may be featured per page, with the size capped at two-thirds of the page size.
The discussion section is of utmost significance in your article. This is where you have the opportunity to present and justify your data in an objective manner. Ensure that the discussion corresponds to the results, but avoid repeating them. Begin with a concise overview of the key scientific discoveries (not experimental outcomes). The discussion should include the following components: Do your results correspond to the original inquiry or objectives highlighted in the Introduction section (what)? Have you provided scientific interpretation for each result or finding presented (why)? Are your outcomes in line with those of other researchers (what else)? Or do any variations exist?
i) Conclusion; Conclusions should solely address the research objectives and demonstrate how the study progresses the current state of knowledge in the field. Clear Conclusions are critical as they enable reviewers and readers to assess the work's merit for publication in the journal. Avoid restating the Abstract or presenting experimental results. Justify your work scientifically and suggest possible applications and extensions. You should additionally propose possible future experiments and/or highlight any that are currently in progress. The conclusion aims to address the research questions or objectives. It assists readers in comprehending the relevance of your research to them upon finishing the paper. It is not merely a recapitulation of the primary subjects discussed or a repetition of your research problem, but a fusion of significant points and, if applicable, a suggestion for new fields of future research.
j) References; References should be listed in alphabetical order and include at least 20 sources with at least 40% being journal articles. It is recommended to utilize reference management software such as EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero. Ensure to cite only the primary scientific publications that your work relies on and include solely the sources you have read. Avoid overloading the manuscript with unnecessary references and refrain from excessive self-citations or citations from the same region. Check each reference against the original source (author's name, volume, issue, year, DOI Number). Use other published articles in the same journal as models.
6. All terms or titles in Arabic should be transliterated with following the Library of Congress guide. Name of person should not be transliterated.
7. If you encounter any difficulties when submitting articles via OJS, please contact the administrator via email using the address and include the articles in .docx file format.
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Published by: Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora UIN Salatiga
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