Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Attarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education
The concept of Islamic education reform KH. Ahmad Dahlan and its implementation in modern Islamic education
Abstract View: 402,
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Comparison of hybrid learning in Islamic education at middle school
Abstract View: 304,
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Paradigm of educational modernization Nurcholish Madjid perspective and relevance to the merdeka belajar concept
Abstract View: 189,
PDF Download: 117
Implementation of merdeka curriculum by Islamic religious education teachers at junior high school
Abstract View: 353,
PDF Download: 105
Development of Islamic boarding school curriculum through equalization policies
Abstract View: 248,
PDF Download: 111
Competencies and strategies of Al-Qur'an Hadith teachers in developing student potential through LPTQ extracurricular
Abstract View: 233,
PDF Download: 92