About the Journal
Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity with registered number p-ISSN: 2830-7704 and e-ISSN: 2962-665x is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal published by the Postgraduate Program of State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga, Indonesia. It is committed to studying the dynamic interplays among religion, spirituality, and humanity. Hence, religion and spirituality are not investigated as distinct entities but as being connected with humanity. This journal mainly focuses on the works that deal with Abrahamic religions in the Asian and African context by employing sociological, anthropological, or philosophical perspectives. It is envisioned as a forum for scholarly exchanges on the dynamics of Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. IJoReSH welcomes any contributions from international scholars.
Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity is published biannually, every June and December. It establishes religion, spirituality, and humanity as the primary focus of academic investigation and encourages any contributions relevant to the field.
Current Issue

Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Humanity Vol. 3 No. 2 is issued in December 2024
Author Geographical Coverage: Sweden, Ghana, Nigeria, and Indonesia
Repurposed churches: an analysis through secularisation theory and the core-periphery model
Abstract View: 214,
PDF Download: 94
The dynamics of religion in public spheres: religious education and religious diversity in Ghana’s public schools
Abstract View: 168,
PDF Download: 65
The impact of Christian educational and socio-ethical interventions in preventing youth kidnapping in Lagos
Abstract View: 177,
PDF Download: 57
Buddhist-Muslim relationship through local wisdom as a form of multicultural education
Abstract View: 199,
PDF Download: 72