The Influence of Halal Certification and Halal Quality Assurance Practices on Business Competitive Advantage: Case Study of MSMEs in West Java


  • Siti Nurjamjam UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Business Competition, Halal quality assurance, Halal Certification, MSMEs


As indicated by Law Number 33 of 2014 and PP Number 39 of 2021 which regulates three product groups, the number of halal certificates will reach 730 thousand in 2023, showing increasing interest in halal food certificates. First, food and beverage products. Second, raw materials, food additives and auxiliary materials for food and beverage products. Third, slaughtered products and slaughtering services. West Java in September 2023 will occupy the number 1 position according to the BPJPH with a number of halal certifications of 219,511. Increasing the number of products that have been certified halal can make businesses competitive and compliance with halal quality assurance practices increases. The purpose of this research is to find out whether Halal Certification and Halal Quality Assurance Practices influence Business Competitive Advantage. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive survey method. The respondents in this research were 100 MSEs who had self-declared halal certificates in West Java. The research results conclude that halal certification programs and halal quality assurance practices influence business competitive advantage. In the end, halal certification programs and halal quality assurance practices can increase a business's competitive advantage positively and significantly.





