About the Journal
Journal title | Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal |
Initials | imej |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (June and December) |
DOI | prefix 10.18326/imej by |
Online ISSN | 2686-0317 |
Printed ISSN | 2685-953X |
Editor in Chief | Rasimin |
Publisher | Faculty of Da’wah, State Islamic University (UIN) of Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia |
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal, with registered number ISSN 2685-953X (Print) and ISSN 2686-0317 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (every June and December) by the Faculty of Da’wah, UIN Salatiga.
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal is intended to publish either the concept/thought or the results of the field research on Islamic Management and Empowerment. The journal invites manuscripts on various topics, including, but not limited to, functional areas of Management from Islamic Perspective, Economic Empowerment, Technology, and Innovation.
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal has been accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of the Republic of Indonesia in SINTA (Achieving SINTA 4) since October 3, 2022. The recognition was published in the Director Decree (SK No. 204/E/KPT/2022), effective until 2024.
Abstracting and Indexing: SINTA, GARUDA, Google Scholar, Dimensions, Moraref
Current Issue
Merespon Krisis Iklim secara Inklusif dan Partisipatoris: Program Keadilan Iklim Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) Di Yogyakarta
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Agriculture Go and Act Now (Agan): Menuju Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dan Transformasi Pertanian Masa Depan, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan
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Pemberdayaan dalam Penanganan Masalah Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kabupaten Kudus Permasalahan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kabupaten Kudus
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Pemberdayaan Ekonomi melalui Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian Desa Dayakan Kecamatan Badegan Kabupaten Ponorogo
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Pemberdayaan UMKM Desa Nguling Melalui Pelatihan Konten Media Kreatif
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Penguatan Pemahaman Moderasi Beragama melalui Lliterasi Media pada Kementerian Agama Luwu Utara Upaya Penguatan Pemahaman Moderasi Beragama pada Kementerian Agama Luwu Utara
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