Sustainable Livelihood Framework Sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Tambak Kalisogo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo


  • Gunawan WIbisono PRIM Market & Social Research
  • Rosyid Nukha PRIM Market & Social Research
  • Dani Bina Margiana PRIM Market & Social Research



Pemberdayaan, RRA, Sustainable Livelihood Framework


This research aims to identify community needs and formulate recommendations for community development programs that are in accordance with the potential and needs of the community using a sustainable livelihood approach. This type of research is qualitative with a Rapid Rural Appraisal strategy. RRA or rapid rural appraisal can be described as a semi-structured activity conducted in the field by a multidisciplinary team and designed to obtain rapid new information, and new hypotheses about rural life. The results showed that a sustainable livelihood approach consisting of can be used as a community empowerment strategy in Kalisogo Tambak Village. (1) The natural resources aspect includes most of the village area is a pond area, (2) the social capital aspect includes the village community has active youth groups such as youth organizations and agricultural groups, (3) the economic capital aspect includes the potential for fishing and there was once a “ikan asap” center on Lusi island, (4) the human resources aspect includes many productive ages, and (5) the infrastructure aspect has a village polyclinic, posyandu, village midwife and landfill.



How to Cite

WIbisono, G., Nukha, R., & Bina Margiana, D. (2023). Sustainable Livelihood Framework Sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Tambak Kalisogo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal, 5(1), 73–86.