Difusi Inovasi Petani Cabai Jawa: Transformasi Sosial Kampung Moderasi Beragama di Desa Linggoasri


  • Syamsul Bakhri UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Muhammad Rifa’i Subhi UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan




Diffusion of Innovation, Social Transformation, Javanese Chili, Village of Religious Moderation


Economic empowerment in Linggoasri Village, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency, seeks to enhance religious moderation within the community by implementing Javanese chili cultivation. Utilizing Habermas's communicative action theory alongside Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory, this empowerment initiative underscores the importance of comprehending the validity of communicative claims and addressing the inequities present in spice trading. Through an analysis informed by Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony, the study illustrates that optimizing Javanese chili cultivation can promote economic justice and foster religious harmony. Employing participatory action research methods and CIPP analysis techniques, the evaluation encompasses the context, input, process, and product of the empowerment initiative. The findings reveal an increased awareness among the Linggoasri community regarding the validity of communicative claims, the adoption of Javanese chili cultivation as an economic innovation, and a favorable impact on overall welfare. The conclusion indicates that this empowerment strategy has effectively enhanced religious harmony and community welfare. Its contributions include the innovative approach to Javanese chili cultivation, the rectification of trade injustices, and a sustainable model for community empowerment.



How to Cite

Bakhri, S., & Subhi , M. R. (2024). Difusi Inovasi Petani Cabai Jawa: Transformasi Sosial Kampung Moderasi Beragama di Desa Linggoasri. Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal, 6(2), 227–250. https://doi.org/10.18326/imej.v6i2.227-250