Scimago Journal Rank
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023)
The flexibility of Islamic law in the Ganjur tradition in Lamongan, Indonesia
Abstract View: 546,
PDF Download: 406
From Communal to Individual: Shifting Authorities of Family Dispute Resolution in Minangkabau Society
Abstract View: 361,
PDF Download: 280
Halal tourism sector and tax allowance policy: a case study observed from normative problems to effective implementation
Abstract View: 499,
PDF Download: 411
The Jejuluk in Komering tribe weddings in the globalization from a siyasa perspective
Abstract View: 625,
PDF Download: 232
Developing ecological piety in pesantren: the Kyai’s cognition and the practice of living fiqh al-bī’ah in Banten
Abstract View: 821,
PDF Download: 351
Baby engagement within the traditional ulama of the Madurese ethnicity: a Maṣlaḥa analysis
Abstract View: 461,
PDF Download: 218
Exploring the monogamy principle in the Samin community’s customary marriages in Kudus: Harmonisation of tradition and state law
Abstract View: 637,
PDF Download: 305