Legal Culture Review and Judicial Track Record of the Kesultanan Cirebon in the Manuscript Pepakem Jaksa Pepitu
Kesultanan Cirebon; legal culture; Pepakem Jaksa PepituAbstract
The Manuscript of Pepakem Jaksa Pepitu is a compilation of various legal texts including Kutaramanawa Darmasastra, Purwadigama, Pepakem Raja Niscaya, Jayalengkera, Adhilullah, Angger Surya Ngalam, and Angger Angger Mataram, which consist of legal codes from Javanese kingdoms of their time. This study aims to explore the legal history and culture found in the manuscript within the Kesultanan Cirebon, using a qualitative descriptive method with a juridical-sociological approach. The data were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentations. According to Lawrence Friedman, law is always influenced by politics and power. Initially, the legal system in the Kesultanan Cirebon was governed by Islamic law due to the influence of the Walisongo. However, the politics of Amangkurat I from Mataram changed this, dividing the Kesultanan Cirebon into Kesultanan Kasepuhan, Kesultanan Kanoman, and then Kesultanan Kacirebonan in the early 18th century. Despite the division of the Kesultanan Cirebon, the law continued to apply Islamic law and customary law under the same courts. When the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC or Dutch East India Company) entered, they introduced Western law, but customary law was still maintained. From the legal history and culture in the Kesultanan Cirebon, Pepakem Jaksa Pepitu formed a combination of legal elements, namely Islamic law, customary law, and Western law. This combination created a unique legal system in Cirebon, reflected in Pepakem Jaksa Pepitu as the main legal reference. This manuscript contributes to the tradition of law, cultural preservation, and the promotion of multicultural values.
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